Monday, October 13, 2008

Strategy and Success Blog

1) I like in the class that we’re having discussions and we’re going deeper into some of the stuff that we’re reading. Also I love the whole hero thing. As a kid I adored heroes and now to be talking about them in class is awesome.
2) My essay grade was kind of a shock. I knew I had some work to do on it but not that much
3) How I study is that I sit in my room at my desk and try to link the word and its meaning to something I already know for about 15-25 minutes
4) I am a visual and sort of an aural learner. I remember alot of pictures. I also sometimes remember things that people say.

Comments by Sam's Mom - Sam study habits are a mystery to me. Some days he is totally on it and fully prepared. He will head straight to his room after dinner and have his head in his book or notes with no coaxing from his parents. Other days he is rushing around to meet a deadline or digging in his backpack to find the right paper or instructions. He rarely wants us to assist with editing his papers or quiz him from his notes. He wants to be an independent learner, so I try to encourage and coach without being a nagging Mom. It's not easy to do since I have just noticed that passed on an opportunity for extra credit in this class - ugh - I will take a deep breath and keep praying that he makes good decisions and will realize that we're always "working for the Lord."