Monday, May 18, 2009


I don't know how I feel about his whole Hindu religion. Its sort of weird to me since being a christian all my life its like it doesn't click with me. Thinking of dieing and going to some other place that you don't know about and having to work your way there is some what strange to me. I felt the same way about the Koran and all other religions other than Christianity. It works for some people right now but someday judgement will come and they will see there mistakes in choosing a religion.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Koran vs. Christianity

The Koran is a very confusing book, it jumps around so much. What i learned from the studying it is that they took and twisted many many things from the bible. Now I know why they are killing Americans and making acts of terrorism to us. It makes more sense to me to be a christian because Christianity makes more sense to me. I need something that makes sense not random like the Koran.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Camelot Assignment

Truthfully I like the movie Camelot, I'm not going to lie. I think it's a funny but serious movie. I read a book called The Adventures of King Arthur and everything from the book matches up to the movie. I will say you have to be confident in your manhood to sing and dance like that an those tight tights. The Round Table is a definite symbolism for equality. The knight s at the round table can't fight over whose better cause nobody sits at the front. Also Lances' love for Jenny is a symbolism of forbidden love. The term "blood runs thicker than water" which means that family is more trust worthy than friends. This term is twisted when he trusts Mordred to attend the castle when Arthurs gone. Mordred writes a fake note saying that Arhtur is dead making him king. This shows how many bad things have happened to Arhthur cause when you can't trust family, you can't trust anyone.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Iliad vs. Troy

Lets start out by just me telling you personally I liked the movie troy better. It was good movie but it left out some stuff I thought should have been in the movie. I thought the movie Troy should have had displayed some more about the priests daughter cause that in the book explains more about Achilles anger. They didn't portray allot about the the Trojan and Greek gods. In the movie they included allot more history and myths which acted like a intro and a conclusion. What they did you really well though is portray the anger that Achilles had in the book. The book and movie both displayed that feeling of honor among the soldiers. They all wanted to be remembered for their courage.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Strategy and Success Blog

1) I like in the class that we’re having discussions and we’re going deeper into some of the stuff that we’re reading. Also I love the whole hero thing. As a kid I adored heroes and now to be talking about them in class is awesome.
2) My essay grade was kind of a shock. I knew I had some work to do on it but not that much
3) How I study is that I sit in my room at my desk and try to link the word and its meaning to something I already know for about 15-25 minutes
4) I am a visual and sort of an aural learner. I remember alot of pictures. I also sometimes remember things that people say.

Comments by Sam's Mom - Sam study habits are a mystery to me. Some days he is totally on it and fully prepared. He will head straight to his room after dinner and have his head in his book or notes with no coaxing from his parents. Other days he is rushing around to meet a deadline or digging in his backpack to find the right paper or instructions. He rarely wants us to assist with editing his papers or quiz him from his notes. He wants to be an independent learner, so I try to encourage and coach without being a nagging Mom. It's not easy to do since I have just noticed that passed on an opportunity for extra credit in this class - ugh - I will take a deep breath and keep praying that he makes good decisions and will realize that we're always "working for the Lord."

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Archetype Blog

Once there was a king who had a son how was never happy he just sat in his room everyday, all day. The son always said nothing was wrong but there had to be. The king woried that his son would die unhappy so he got all the wise men, astronomers, and physicians to see why his son is so unhappy. They reached a conclusion that the son needed to wear the shirt from a very happy man. They searched the kingdom but never found a truly happy man. Later the king was hunting and found a young boy playing the flute and dazing at the clouds. They tested the boy and realised that he was truly happy. So the king picked the boy up and took of his jacket... the boy wore no shirt.

This is a Italian Folktale telling about the kings love for his son. There is a Wise Old Man archatype with the wise men, astronamers, and physicians. Also a Quest archetype because the king is on a questto find a happymans shirt.

There is a theme of love for your children and wanting what is best for them. Also the theme of not wanting to die unhappy. In adition the theme of nobody being truly happy. Which leads to the thought of being greedy.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My favorite hero

I had always wanted to be a superhero. Just the thought of flying around and beating bad guys and helping others is still I think is the coolest thing around. But the coolest hero is Spider-man. He is the best superhero ever. He is smart, can climb on walls, has spider senses, can swing around, has a awesome girlfriend, helps all the citizens when in need and still has time to help his grandma everyday. That is a hero.