Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Iliad vs. Troy

Lets start out by just me telling you personally I liked the movie troy better. It was good movie but it left out some stuff I thought should have been in the movie. I thought the movie Troy should have had displayed some more about the priests daughter cause that in the book explains more about Achilles anger. They didn't portray allot about the the Trojan and Greek gods. In the movie they included allot more history and myths which acted like a intro and a conclusion. What they did you really well though is portray the anger that Achilles had in the book. The book and movie both displayed that feeling of honor among the soldiers. They all wanted to be remembered for their courage.


iryle roman said...

for your inforamation Mr. Sam Whitten i will not kiss your @#$, but i might go shleepy shleepy with my girl. teehee

iryle roman said...

hey you need to check your blog